The Outcast Squad
Original Title
Production House
Estimated Budget
Project Initiator
Wucha Wulandari
Project Status
Mira and her sisterhood called Pasukan Gagal Tobat (The Outcast Squad) are at risk to eventually conform with the societal expectation for women, amid the changes that happen surrounding them.
Director's Statement
I have three younger sisters who are currently the same age as Pasukan Gagal Tobat. Despite having different fathers, as the eldest sister, I feel a responsibility to be their role model. During my teenage years, I faced family expectations and the responsibility of looking after my younger sisters, whom I only got to know in high school. My family wasn’t optimistic about education, and I left home to pursue higher education. The childhood trauma of sexual harassment within my family became more noticeable in adulthood. As my younger sisters entered adolescence, they had many questions and conflicts with our mother. Initially a figure, I transitioned to becoming a friend –a communicator with our mother, a discussion partner, and a companion in times of heartbreak.
Being part of a community and mentoring at Kampung Halaman Foundation was an effort in self-discovery. Moving between families since childhood, living as a migrant from 18 to 30, I found bonds of friendship and family. With girlfriends in the Sporti Women’s Movement (Gerwati), we celebrated sisterhood’s strength, realizing unity through empathy. Our shared experiences strengthened us, emphasizing that women are never alone in their journey. Recognizing the importance of caring for our bodies and mental health, we prioritize self-care.
With Mira, Okta, Wilma, Dewi, Naya and Risma, I want to share a story through this documentary about their sisterhood experience that recalls my teenage years. How society constructs girls to be a “good” girl – wearing a headscarf, excelling in school, adhering to moral constructs, and obeying parents. Teenage girls face various issues, including underage marriage with economic, lack of safe space, religious, and culture factors. It’s a double burden they bear. Pasukan Gagal Tobat sisterhood is a realistic effort to support each other amid unfulfilled expectations and uncertain environments. Reflecting on my enduring friendship since adolescence, being a friend to my sisters convinces me that sisterhood transcends blood relationships. It can be found at any point in life’s journey, beyond the family defined by lineage.