

Indonesia Documentary Laboratory 2024
View Projects

What is IDOCLAB?

Indonesia Documentary Lab is a film laboratory focusing on facilitating Indonesian documentary projects. This program is dedicated to Indonesian filmmakers as a platform for developing documentary storytelling & production skills.

Program Timeline

Application Deadline

July 15, 2024

Preliminary Interview

July 22–26, 2024 (Online)

Selected Project Anouncement

July 31, 2024

Project Development Workshop

August 18–25, 2024 (Offline)

Advance Research

August 26–November 1, 2024

Advance Workshop

November 3–7, 2024 (Offline)

Pitching Forum & Awarding

November 8–9, 2024

Mentor, Panelist, and Speaker

Participants will attend a series of intensive project development workshops and classes with mentors and speakers. All mentors and speakers are experts in documentary practices, scholars, and researchers. Every edition of IDOCLAB is concluded with a pitching session attended by panelists. Along with the mentors, the panelists deliberate on selecting the finalists.
  • Mentor, Speaker

    Mandy Marahimin

    Mandy Marahimin
  • Panelist

    Gary Byung-Seok Kam

    Gary Byung-Seok Kam
  • Speaker

    Ari Trismana

    Watchdoc Documentary
    Ari Trismana
  • Speaker

    Dian Herdiany

    Yayasan Kampung Halaman
    Dian Herdiany
  • Moderator

    Yuki Aditya

    Producer, Director
    Yuki Aditya
  • Speaker

    Veronika Kusuma

    Social Anthropologist, Director
    Veronika Kusuma
  • Panelist

    Thong Kay Wee

    Programme Director of SGIFF
    Thong Kay Wee
  • Mentor, Speaker

    Heejung Oh

    Heejung Oh
  • Panelist

    Sunah Kim

    Producer, Filmmaker
    Sunah Kim
  • Speaker

    Rival Ahmad

    Jentera School of Law
    Rival Ahmad
  • Panelist

    Swann Dubus

    Swann Dubus
  • Mentor, Speaker

    Paul Pauwels

    Managing Director Congoo BV, Belgium
    Paul Pauwels
  • Moderator

    Sazkia Noor Anggraini

    Academic, Filmmaker
    Sazkia Noor Anggraini
  • Panelist

    Bowie Budianto

    Vision Pictures
    Bowie Budianto
  • Mentor, Speaker

    Kurnia Yudha

    Kurnia Yudha
  • Speaker

    Hafiz Rancajale

    Forum Lenteng
    Hafiz Rancajale
  • Speaker

    Lidia Afrilita

    Lidia Afrilita
  • Speaker

    Ahmad Mahendra

    DPMM Kemendikbudristek RI
    Ahmad Mahendra
  • Speaker

    Eric Sasono

    Film Critic
    Eric Sasono
  • Mentor, Speaker

    Shalahuddin Siregar

    Director, Producer, Editor
    Shalahuddin Siregar
  • Mentor

    Arfan Sabran

    Director, Producer
    Arfan Sabran
  • Panelist

    Amelia Hapsari

    Communications Director of Ashoka
    Amelia Hapsari
  • Moderator

    Franciscus Apriwan

    Academic, Researcher
    Franciscus Apriwan
  • Panelist

    Donny Ardyanto

    Kurawal Foundation
    Donny Ardyanto
  • Speaker

    Bani Nasution

    Bani Nasution
  • Panelist

    Tunggal Pawestri

    HIVOS Foundation
    Tunggal Pawestri
  • Moderator

    Suluh Pamuji

    Film Programmer
    Suluh Pamuji
  • Mentor

    Fanny Chotimah

    Director, Producer
    Fanny Chotimah
  • Speaker

    Riar Rizaldi

    Riar Rizaldi
  • Speaker

    Yosep Anggi Noen

    Yosep Anggi Noen
  • Mentor, Speaker

    Francesco Montagner

    Francesco Montagner
  • Mentor, Speaker

    Risa Permanadeli

    Social Psychologist, Academic
    Risa Permanadeli
  • Moderator

    Lulu Ratna

    Film Programmer
    Lulu Ratna

Public Lectures

Discover more about documentary practices and insights through IDOCLAB Public Lectures. All courses are free and delivered in bahasa Indonesia.
Eksperimentasi Bentuk Dokumenter
Dokumenter dan Penyuntingan
Ide dan Riset dalam Film Dokumenter
Mengidentifikasi Konteks Lokal untuk Mencari Nilai-Nilai Universal
Ragam Pendekatan Dokumenter: Sensori Etnografi & Eksperimental
Ragam Pendekatan Dokumenter: Jurnalistik & Video Partisipatori
Sejarah Perkembangan Estetika Film Dokumenter Dunia & Indonesia

Eksperimentasi Bentuk Dokumenter

Jumat, 5 Juli 2024 | 15:00 WIB

Dengan menantang asumsi tentang sinema serta pengenalan terhadap teknik, pendekatan, dan gaya baru, film eksperimental memiliki dampak signifikan pada sinema arus utama. Teknik-teknik nonkonvensional yang digunakan telah mengilhami para pembuat film untuk berpikir di luar kebiasaan dalam mengeksplorasi bentuk penceritaan dan ekspresi visual. Film eksperimental juga telah menguji struktur naratif tradisional dan mendorong pembengkokan genre sehingga menghasilkan lanskap pembuatan film yang lebih beragam dan inovatif. Dengan mendorong batas-batas pendekatan tradisional, pembuat film dapat membuat film yang memikat serta beresonansi dengan penonton dengan cara segar, menarik, dan kaya interpretasi.


  • Riar Rizaldi
  • Yosep Anggi Noen


  • Yuki Aditya
Pendaftaran Ditutup

Dokumenter dan Penyuntingan

Jumat, 28 Juni 2024 | 15:00 WIB

Meskipun menjalankan fungsi yang krusial, kerja-kerja penyuntingan dalam film dokumenter masih sering dikesampingkan. Fungsi penyuntingan dalam dokumenter tak sekadar memotong dan menyambung footage atau bahkan sebagai juri akhir penentu jalannya cerita. Selain membantu mendekatkan sutradara dengan visi artistiknya, penyunting juga berperan mengidentifikasi semua footage yang didapat untuk kemudian memberi tawaran kekuatan elemen-elemen film yang meliputi karakter, visual, struktur cerita, tone, hingga ekspresi emosional.


  • Shalahuddin Siregar
    Shalahuddin Siregar


  • Fanny Chotimah
Pendaftaran Ditutup

Ide dan Riset dalam Film Dokumenter

Jumat, 21 Juni 2024 | 15:00 WIB

Fase pemetaan gagasan dan riset sangat diperlukan untuk menguji apakah ide yang akan dikembangkan menjadi film memiliki potensi cerita yang menarik. Keduanya menentukan konseptualisasi film agar dapat menggambarkan gagasan yang utuh. Riset yang dilakukan tak terbatas pada riset visual dan karakter saja, tetapi juga kemampuan untuk menempatkan gagasan pada konteks yang lebih luas. Fase ini sangat diperlukan untuk menguji apakah ide proyek film yang akan dikembangkan memiliki potensi cerita yang menarik atau sekadar kumpulan situasi yang deskriptif.


  • Arfan Sabran
    Arfan Sabran
  • Fanny Chotimah


  • Lulu Ratna
Pendaftaran Ditutup

Mengidentifikasi Konteks Lokal untuk Mencari Nilai-Nilai Universal

Kamis, 7 Desember 2023 | 09:00 WIB

Pembuatan film tidak bisa dilepaskan dari sudut pandang bagaimana pembuat film melihat lingkungannya. Di Indonesia, sudut pandang ini dibentuk oleh kepercayaan, adat, dan tradisi budaya yang beragam. Kelas ini membahas bagaimana mengkontekstualisasikan sudut pandang lokal untuk membantu para pembuat film menemukan nilai-nilai dan perspektif universal.


  • Risa Permanadeli
    Risa Permanadeli


  • Shalahuddin Siregar
    Shalahuddin Siregar

Ragam Pendekatan Dokumenter: Sensori Etnografi & Eksperimental

Sabtu, 9 September 2023 | 16:00 WIB

Mempelajari ragam pendekatan dalam film dokumenter dapat mendorong pembuat film untuk bereksperimen dan melampaui batas-batas genre. Hal ini dapat mengarah pada pembuatan film dokumenter inovatif yang memberi kesan mendalam pada penontonnya. Tema, tujuan pembuatan film, dan target penonton bisa menjadi pertimbangan dalam memilih pendekatan tersebut. Di Indonesia, ragam pendekatan etnografi dan eksperimental sudah dipakai oleh beberapa organisasi maupun perorangan. Pada sesi ini, Veronika Kusuma akan membahas kemungkinan penggunaan pendekatan sensori etnografi dalam film dokumenter. Sementara itu, Hafiz Rancajale (Forum Lenteng) akan membahas tentang film eksperimental dan kenapa genre ini penting bagi pembuat film dokumenter.


  • Veronika Kusuma
  • Hafiz Rancajale


  • Suluh Pamuji
Pendaftaran Ditutup

Ragam Pendekatan Dokumenter: Jurnalistik & Video Partisipatori

Jumat, 8 September 2023 | 15:00 WIB

Mempelajari ragam pendekatan dalam film dokumenter dapat mendorong pembuat film untuk bereksperimen dan melampaui batas-batas genre. Hal ini dapat mengarah pada pembuatan film dokumenter inovatif yang memberi kesan mendalam pada penontonnya. Tema, tujuan pembuatan film, dan target penonton bisa menjadi pertimbangan dalam memilih pendekatan tersebut. Di Indonesia, ragam pendekatan jurnalistik dan partisipatori sudah dipakai oleh beberapa organisasi maupun perorangan. Pada sesi ini, Watchdoc akan membahas tentang praktik pembuatan film dokumenter jurnalistik di Indonesia. Sementara itu, Yayasan Kampung Halaman akan membagikan pengalaman mereka menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif dalam pembuatan karya film/video serta melihat kemungkinan penerapannya dalam film dokumenter.


  • Ari Trismana
  • Dian Herdiany


  • Franciscus Apriwan
Pendaftaran Ditutup

Sejarah Perkembangan Estetika Film Dokumenter Dunia & Indonesia

Sabtu, 2 September 2023 | 15:00 WIB

Ketika membicarakan pendekatan dokumenter, kita tak akan dapat memisahkannya dari perkembangan estetika yang terus dimodifikasi dan direplikasi secara berkala oleh pembuat film. Kelas ini akan membahas tentang penelusuran sejarah perkembangan estetika film dokumenter secara umum yang diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran dalam memahami estetika genre tersebut. Pengetahuan ini dapat membantu pembuat film melihat dengan kritis karya orang lain dan karya mereka sendiri. Dengan menganalisisnya, kita dapat memperoleh pengetahuan tentang apa yang membuat sebuah film menjadi menarik dan membantu kita untuk menemukan teknik penceritaan baru serta menyuguhkannya melalui bahasa visual kita sendiri.


  • Eric Sasono


  • Sazkia Noor Anggraini
Pendaftaran Ditutup

Past Events

For each edition, IDOCLAB curates a selection of short documentary projects eligible to participate in a set of courses, workshops, and pitching forum.
Mentor, Speaker
Mandy Marahimin

Mandy Marahimin started her career in the film industry as a publicist for the film Ada Apa dengan Cinta? (2002). Since then, she worked as a line producer and producer for several films and eventually founded Tanakhir Films in 2013. She has been selected to participate in Rotterdam Lab, a development program for film producers at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, as well as Berlinale Talents at the Berlinale International Film Festival. Mandy has also served as interim director at In-Docs and outreach director for Good Pitch Southeast Asia and Good Pitch Indonesia.

Gary Byung-seok Kam
Gary Byung-Seok Kam

Gary is the first ever Korean documentary producer nominated for an Academy Award based in Seoul, Korea. He is committed to crafting compelling stories and supporting independent documentary makers. His films in release include Planet of Snail (2011, director Seung-jun YI), the first Asian documentary that won Best Feature-Length Documentary at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), the OSCAR® nominated In The Absence (2018), Shadow Flowers (2019) and Crossing Beyond, the official Olympic film for the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. He has served as a mentor at the Docedge Kolkata, the DMZ International Documentary Festival, Docs by the Sea, MyDocs, EBS International Doc Fest and as a juror/selection committees at the Whickers Foundation, IDFA Forum and IDA. Gary is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science.

Ari Trismana
Dian Herdiany

Dian Herdiany is an Anthropology graduate from Universitas Indonesia, founded Yayasan Kampung Halaman in 2006–a nonprofit organization that aims to develop the critical thinking skills of youth in communities across Indonesia. After graduating, Dian actively worked as a researcher, youth facilitator, and producer of collaborative and participatory films on youth issues. In 2011, Yayasan Kampung Halaman received The International Spotlight Award from The National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award 2011 in Washington DC, USA and became the only youth community group in Asia to receive the honor. Currently, Dian is building a social entrepreneurship: We Love You(th).

Yuki Aditya

Yuki Aditya graduated from University of Indonesia majoring in Fiscal Administration and once worked as a Tax Auditor at a Public Accountant in Jakarta. Since 2013, he is the Festival Director of ARKIPEL International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival. Yuki is acting as producer of films produced by Forum Lenteng, including Golden Memories: Petite Histoire of Indonesian Cinema (2018), Om Pius… This is My Home Come the Sleeping (2019), Dolo (2021). Along with I Gde Mika, he is the director of The Hypothesis of Wandering Images of Jakarta (2021) and The Myriad of Faces of Future Challengers (2022).

Veronika Kusuma

Veronika Kusuma is a social anthropologist and artist with over 10 years of experience working in West Papua (Papua and West Papua provinces of Indonesia). She obtained her Ph.D. in anthropology and film/visual studies from Harvard University in 2018 with a dissertation on politics of identity and political movements in the region. She has carried out policy, archival and ethnographic research in Indonesia, the United States, and the Netherlands. Currently, She is an assistant professor of anthropology and international studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Thong Kay Wee

Thong Kay Wee is the Programme Director at SGIFF and a cultural worker and moving image curator based in Singapore. He was previously the Programmes and Outreach Officer at the Asian Film Archive (AFA) from 2014 to 2021. During his tenure at the AFA, he was responsible for establishing the AFA’s regular programmes and presiding over specialised showcases, including commissions by the National Arts Council of Singapore and the Singapore International Festival of the Arts.

Mentor, Speaker
Heejung Oh

Heejung Oh grew up in South Korea, and her life is divided between Seoul and Amsterdam. She founded Seesaw Pictures in 2017, a boutique production company with a slate of award-winning films. She has (co-)produced films selected for prestigious festivals such as Sundance, Berlinale, IDFA, CPH:DOX, IFFR, and Hotdocs. She loves working with filmmakers with strong artistic visions and sensitivity. She is an alumna of EAVE, Eurodoc, Rotterdam Lab, and Berlinale Talents, and has been invited to the selection committee of IDFA Bertha Fund, Sheffield Doc/Fest, DOK Leipzig, and AIDC.

Sunah Kim
Sunah Kim

Sunah Kim is a Korean-American filmmaker, currently working in South Korea. She started her film career as a narrative film producer in New York City. Since moving back to Korea in 2013, she has produced several highly acclaimed documentary features such as Singing with Angry Bird, The Birth of Resonance, Coming to You Minu, as well as an IDA-award winning Netflix Original DocuSeries My Love: Six Stories of True Love. In 2022 and 2023, she served as the Head of Industry at DMZ Docs. She also serves as a co-director of Korean Documentary Network (KDN).

Rival Ahmad

Rival is a law practitioner, teacher, and consultant who develops training programs and legal learning facilitation by optimizing artistic mediums and creative processes in learning. In 1998, he co-founded the Indonesian Center for Law & Policy Studies where he later pioneered and became the Head of Jentera School of Law until 2014. He is extensively involved in formulating programs and facilitating institutions for meetings and policy development, such as SPASIA, Knowledge Sector Initiative, and BesiBerani.

Swann Dubus

After a Master of Literature, Swann Dubus (b.1977 in Paris, France) completed a PhD about representation of intimacy in cinema at Paris III University in 2006. At the same time, he worked as a DoP, editor and directed several documentary features both in Europe, Africa and Asia. He moved to Hanoi in 2007 and has worked alongside Tran Phuong Thao since then. Together, they are exploring through their films major themes of Vietnamese society from a personal angle and producing young talented Vietnamese documentary filmmakers including Ha Le Diem’s debut feature film Children of the Mist (2021).

Mentor, Speaker
Paul Pauwels

With over 40 years of experience in audiovisual production, Paul has held roles such as unit manager, production manager, producer, teacher, consultant, tutor, and moderator. In 1987, Paul founded his own production unit, producing commercials, short feature films, and award-winning documentaries aimed at the international market. Paul has lectured and managed workshops on documentary development and production in over 35 countries. He also served as an expert reader for the Flanders Audiovisual Fund and a consultant for several international organizations in the field of documentary project development.

Sazkia Noor Anggraini

Sazkia Noor Anggraini is a lecturer, researcher, and documentary filmmaker. She has been part of the FFD as programmer (2017–2018), part of the Indonesia Raja programmer network (2019–2021), and national jury for the Indonesian short film category at Minikino Film Week (2020–2021). She is a member of the Asosiasi Pengkaji Film Indonesia (KAFEIN) and has served as the association’s representative jury for the FFI in the Film Criticism Category (2021). Her latest research with KAFEIN is titled For the Sake of Film Pilgrims and Film Travelers: The Impact of Laskar Pelangi and Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? 2 on Local Economies (2022). Her personal documentary, The Age of Remembrance (2021), was awarded Best Short Documentary at Piala Maya 2022 and Special Mention at FFD 2021.

Bowie Budianto
Bowie Budianto

Bowie Budianto has been involved in film industry since 2004. He has worked as a casting director and served as Chairman of the Indonesian Casting Association for two terms. Apart from being active in the film industry, he also teaches at a private university.

Mentor, Speaker
Kurnia Yudha

Kurnia Yudha is a Yogyakarta-based documentary filmmaker. He has studied documentary film production independently and participated in several documentary film workshops. Yudha is currently the Director of Forum Film Dokumenter, a nonprofit organization focusing on documentary development in Indonesia. Yudha also actively works as a freelance director and documentary cameraman.

Hafiz Rancajale

Hafiz Rancajale (June 1971, Pekanbaru) graduated with a degree in Fine Arts from Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ) in 1994. He is an artist, curator, film director, and co-founder of two Jakarta-based organizations, Forum Lenteng (2003) and ruangrupa (2000). With both organizations, Hafiz is frequently initiating various programs and projects focusing on arts, media, and film, both nationally and internationally. From 2003-2011, Hafiz was the Artistic Director of OK. Video-Jakarta International Video Festival; in 2013-2017 he was also a member of the Jakarta Arts Council; and from 2013 until now, he is the Artistic Director of ARKIPEL-Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival.

Lidia Afrilita

Lidia started her documentary career from a film community in Padang, West Sumatra. In 2009, she produced her documentary debut, Padang in Carnival. Her second short documentary, Diary of Cattle, won in the 2018 IF/THEN Short Pitching competition, secured financing for production, and attended the editing lab at Docs by the Sea 2018. Her third short documentary, Waste on My Plate, was presented at Good Pitch Indonesia and developed at ASIADOC and American Film Showcase. In 2022, Lidia became one of the Indonesian documentary producers participating in The Doc Toolbox program organized by the European Film Market.

Ahmad Mahendra
Eric Sasono

Eric Sasono has earned his PhD in film studies from King’s College London and is a founder of Rumah Film (2007-2011). He was a board member of Yayasan Masyarakat Mandiri Film Indonesia (YMMFI) which organized JIFFest and In-Docs. Eric is one of the founders of the Indonesian Film Society in London, which aims to promote Indonesian film and culture to the public in London. Now works for a non-governmental organization in Jakarta.

Shalahuddin Siregar
Mentor, Speaker
Shalahuddin Siregar

Shalahuddin Siregar has been working as a documentary film director and producer for 18 years. His films have been screened in various festivals, including the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam and Dok Leipzig, and have received nominations at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. His films have also been shown on Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, Channel News Asia, and NHK World.

Arfan Sabran
Arfan Sabran

Arfan Sabran is an Indonesian documentary filmmaker. With his documentary debut, Suster Apung, he won the Best Film and Best Cinematography awards at the 2006 Eagle Awards. His feature-length documentary debut, The Flame (Bara), premiered at Visions du Réel 2021. His feature documentary as producer, Rabiah and Mimi, won the pitching forum at Tokyo Docs Film Festival 2019 and received an international co-production opportunity with TBS Sparkle Tokyo and premiered on NHK Japan.

Amelia Hapsari

Amelia Hapsari is a documentary filmmaker who also shapes the documentary film ecosystem. During her 8,5 years as In-Docs Program Director, she connected Southeast Asia’s best documentary films with the international industry, mentors from around the world, and various stakeholders; government, non-government, and private. She initiated Dare to Dream Asia with STEPS; Good Pitch Southeast Asia and Good Pitch Indonesia with Doc Society and Jia Foundation; and Docs by the Sea with Bekraf and Kemenparekraf. Amelia is currently the Communications Director of Ashoka, which is establishing the Everyone a Changemaker movement with the education and families ecosystem in Indonesia. Amelia lives and works in Indonesia and Australia.

Franciscus Apriwan

Apriwan has worked as a programmer at Festival Film Dokumenter and a research staff at Laboratorium Antropologi untuk Riset dan Aksi (LAURA), Department of Anthropology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Recently, he conducts a lot of research in policy-making strategies and policy briefs on social and cultural change issues in Indonesia. He also manages multi-disciplinary collaborative work that develops the medium of art in ethnographic creation, in particular through documentary and experimental films. Since 2019, Apriwan has been working as a lecturer in Anthropology Study Program at Universitas Brawijaya.

Donny Ardyanto
Donny Ardyanto

Donny Ardyanto is an established pro-democracy activist in Indonesia with an extensive political network. He played an important role in the early days of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS). He was also involved in the initiative to establish the Democracy Education Association (P2D)–a democracy development center in Jakarta. Donny previously worked as Director of Research and Development at Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI). He focused his work on policy research and advocacy, particularly for the expansion of access to justice in Indonesia. He is also a member of The Task Force on Justice, an initiative of the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies that brings international multi-stakeholder cooperation to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs targets on peace, justice and inclusiveness. Donny earned his bachelor’s degree in Criminology and master’s degree in Social Development Management from the University of Indonesia. Prior to joining Kurawal, Donny worked for Tifa Foundation in the Justice and Equality program.

Bani Nasution

Bani has spent his career in film in various roles and departments. Since 2011, he founded LiarLiar Films and has been involved in various film festivals. Some of his films have been screened in local and international film festivals. Since the pandemic, Bani has learned to garden, run a homestay, and brewing tea at Ojo Megatan shop. Together with his wife and some friends, Bani started an independent film magazine called Cinémanic.

Tunggal Pawestri

Tunggal Pawestri is an activist on gender justice, human rights, and civil liberties issues. She currently works as the Executive Director of the Humanist and Social Innovation Foundation (HIVOS Foundation), whose working areas include Indonesia, Timor Leste, the Philippines, and Myanmar. She is also part of Facebook’s Global Women Safety Expert Advisor team. Tunggal often writes op-eds/articles related to gender, sexuality, human rights, and civil liberties issues in the press. She has also been a producer for short films, one of which qualified for the influential competition at the Cannes Film Festival 2015.

Suluh Pamuji

Suluh Pamuji is the Executive Director of KDM CINEMA. He has established many film exhibition and development programs for the film ecosystem. Suluh has previously been involved as a programmer, co-programmer, and program director for several film festivals, including Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, ReelOzInd, and International Changing Perspective Short Film Festival.

Fanny Chotimah

Fanny Chotimah is a filmmaker based in Solo. Her first feature-length documentary, You and I (2020), was awarded Piala Citra and Piala Maya as Best Feature-Length Documentary, won Asian Perspective award at DMZ International Film Festival Korea, and Next:Wave Award at CPH:DOX Copenhagen, Denmark. She currently runs Kembang Gula film community where she produces and directs several short films, including Solo Love Story (2021), Riwayatmu Kini (2022), and Payung Dara (2023).

Riar Rizaldi

Riar Rizaldi works as an artist and filmmaker. He works predominantly with the medium of moving images and sound. His artistic practice focuses mostly on the relationship between capital and technology, labor and nature, worldviews, genre cinema, and the possibility of theoretical fiction. His works have been shown at various international film festivals (Locarno, BFI London, Cinema du Reel, etc) as well as Centre Pompidou Paris, Times Museum Guangzhou, Istanbul Biennial, Taipei Biennial, Venice Architecture Biennale. His film, Tellurian Drama (2020), won Silver Screen Award for Best Southeast Asian Short Film at SGIFF 2020 and Honorable Mention at DOK Leipzig 2021.

Yosep Anggi Noen

Yosep Anggi Noen is a director who makes documentary films, fiction, and also explores other audiovisual mediums. His previous features, Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses (2012) and Solo, Solitude (2016), premiered at Locarno IFF, and The Science of Fictions (2019) received a Special Mention at the same festival. Along with being a filmmaker, Anggi also actively lectures on filmmaking in higher education.

Mentor, Speaker
Francesco Montagner

Francesco is an award-winning film director and mentor. Animata Resistenza (2014) is Francesco’s debut documentary, which premiered at the 71 Venice Film Festival and was awarded the Venice Classics Award for Best Documentary on Cinema. Francesco’s second feature documentary, Brotherhood (2021), premiered at the 74 Locarno Film Festival and was awarded the Pardo d’oro of Cineasti del Presente. The film has been selected in 40+ festivals worldwide (IFFR, True/False, RIDM, CPH:DOX) and awarded at several. Francesco’s short film, Asterión (2022), premiered at the 75 Locarno Film Festival in the section Corti d’autore. It won the main prize at RIGA IFF 2022, Film Fest Dresden 2023, and was nominated among the best 25 European shorts competing for the EFA awards 2023.

Risa Permanadeli
Mentor, Speaker
Risa Permanadeli

Risa Permanadeli is an academic who has earned a doctorate in Social Psychology from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France. Besides being a lecturer at the European Studies Graduate Program at the Universitas Indonesia, she is also involved in research that focuses on social thought in non-Western societies, particularly in Indonesia. She researches various subjects such as modernity and modernization, role and place of women, power and its representation in society, urban culture, mythology, imagery, and oral tradition. In 2005, she founded the Center of Social Representations Studies in Jakarta.

Lulu Ratna

Lulu Ratna has been working and acting as a jury in several film festivals since 1999. She co-founded Boemboe Organization (, Coordination for Film Festival in Indonesia (, and FORPROFIN (Forum Programmer Film Indonesia). Lulu Ratna teaches at the Film Studies Program, Multimedia Nusantara University and is on the Organizing Committee of UCIFEST – UMN Animation & Film Festival. She is one of the Program Advisors of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and recently released the book Berfestival Film in Indonesia (2024).
